Create Your “Email Capture” Page
Simplicity is your best bet here. Two reasons… it’s easier for you to set it up and get going, and it often converts the best. The rule of thumb is that whatever you have promised to giveaway as your free report or video, make sure that it is congruent with your opt-in form.
Typically, what converts best is a subheading, a main headline, a one sentence call to action and a form JUST asking for an email. That’s it. This converts at 40 to 55% for good, targeted traffic and just takes a few minutes to put to create.
Hit the Forums
There are lots of ways to get MASSIVE traffic… but they also require a lot of expertise to pull off. That’s why most people who are starting out or who are not real good at marketing can’t use them effectively. Let’s keep it simple! The first way to get traffic is through forums.
Specifically, we want to find forums where the people in those forums would be very interested in the subject of your free report. Also, these forums must allow you to have a “signature”. A signature is simply a little blurb that is automatically added to the end of each of your posts you make in that forum.
So sign up for that forum, and then log into your profile and create your signature. Make it two sentences, with a clickable link. That link leads to your squeeze page. For our example above, it might be something as simple as: “free report reveals how to write sales letters like a pro in no time.
Click here to get the free report…” Then, just set up your “daily posting schedule”. This might be a half hour to an hour a day where you go into the forum and create new posts that offer value, or respond to posts that others created where you offer your own commentary or value.
Don’t be a spammer. Don’t be blatant about your free report at all. Don’t even mention it. Just contribute worthwhile commentary. A paragraph or two ought to do it. Your signature does the selling for you.
Ideally you want to do this with as many active forums as possible and very soon you will see sign-ups. Sometimes on the very day you started.
Write Articles
There is a huge shortcut you can use here. Think about it – you can chop up bits and pieces of each email interview you did – and turn them into articles. Then you can write additional articles if you wish. Regardless, submit those articles to Ezine articles (http://ezinearticles.com) and Go articles (http://goarticles.com)
Why articles? Because at the end of each article you’re allowed a 2-3 sentence resource section, where you can promote your free report. These articles get searched and read, and you will get subscribers. Some articles get thousands of views over their life span, resulting in hundreds of clicks, and sign-ups for you.
Comment on High Traffic Blogs
Find blogs in your niche that are ranked high in the search engines. This means they probably have good traffic. Then you simply find posts and add in your own commentary… providing value first.
Then at the end say something like “we talk about this in my free report more in depth at…” and put in your link. Repeat the process. There you go. You follow this very simple and basic plan… and just do it day in and day out… and you will be amazed at how easy it is to actually have success online.
And of course, nothing is stopping you from creating multiple free reports with this method. It’s really up to you and how bad you want it.
Also, what’s great is once you get that list going and sales coming in, it frees you up to innovate and try new traffic methods, experiment with new techniques, and learn new skills to enhance your business model.