We are simultaneously living in two worlds at the same time that being the physical and the spiritual world. Many people get confused about this as they are completely separate…
We are simultaneously living in two worlds at the same time that being the physical and the spiritual world. Many people get confused about this as they are completely separate…
Everything we need to be happy, whole and free in this world comes from within. We are the solution to everything we think is wrong about us or the world…
Have you ever noticed how people say they value the truth until it sounds like something that they don’t agree with? Here’s the thing though, I’ve found that not everyone…
In my last post, I spoke about practicing an eye gazing meditation using a candle flame as a simple technique to slow the mind down and access higher states of…
I don’t know about you but meditation is an important part of my daily spiritual practice. I’ve been doing it almost every day for over 20 years and it still…
Einstein said, “The sign of true intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Here’s what most people don’t know about imagination. We’re using it all the time. It’s just that some…
I used to be all about the hustle. Working long hours and making sure that I was on top of everything. Then I was all about seminars, workshops and retreats….
I see so many people in today’s world trade happiness for instant gratification be that alike on social media, the next shiny object to distract them or just keeping themselves…
Stepping up and becoming a heart-centered leader can be quite daunting as there really aren’t that many examples of it working yet. It’s what the world needs yet still drastically…
I am blown away by what has just happened in the 7 Days of Mindfulness Program I ran the past week. People went all-in on this one as we stretched…