For the past 8 days I took time out to attend a meditation and yoga retreat in the beautiful Byron bay area in Australia. Just in case you haven’t been to Byron Bay and your planning to travel to Australia then this is simply a must see place for anyone who loves beautiful beaches, fantastic food, colorful people and an environment that nurtures your Soul.
The reason I share this is that we all work hard. Part of working hard is to take time out every now and then to enjoy life and celebrate the victories that we have achieved. I plan to do this a lot more next year because part of working smarter, not harder, means spending less time working and more time playing. But for this to happen you need a plan of action that will help you to rapidly increase your cashflow whileleveraging your time more effectively.
That’s where being an Internet Marketer comes in. It is by far one of the best business to get into to create a lifestyle that most people can only dream of. Now, I’m not talking about lamborghini’s, mansions or going to ‘A’ list parties. What I mean by lifestyle is whatever it is that makes your heart sing and fills your life with passion and purpose on a daily basis.
You see, I have discovered that settling for anything less than what we truly want to have, do or be in our lives is to settle for a life of quiet desperation. It’s going through the motions of living each day without really feeling the awesomeness of being alive. That’s why you will notice that so many people are unhappy or come across as lethargic or unmoticated by anything much because basically their circumstances suck.
Now, the great news about circumstances being challenging is that they can definitely be improved. I remember my last full-time J.O.B several years ago and I gotta tell you that I hated it with a passion. It absolutely sucks to sell your Soul to an organization that only cares about bottom line profits and just pays lip service to keeping their staff happy. What it did do for me though was to fuel a raging fire inside me to be in control of my own life and because of that I am now living the life of my dreams.
If you are in a situation like this right now then you will be able to relate with where I am coming from. The point is that each day life passes us by and we can never get it back, that’s why it’s so important to really go for what you want starting now and don’t stop until you achieve your dream destination.
With a new year looming on the horizon, now is the perfect time to set yourself up for UNSTOPPABLE success for the new year.
Here are 4 simple success steps that have always worked for me and that I know can work for you to if you apply them:
1. Decide to get your Internet Marketing business working full-time by the end of next year (write down how much income you need to make each month to achieve this)
2. Take daily action towards achieving this result. Make sure you have daily, weekly and monthly goals that are realistic to achieve. Also do a vision board that is a visual representation of your end goals. In fact, I always make a list of the TOP 10 things that I want to achieve for the new year before the current year ends. Then I print it out and put a copy of it on my fridge so that I get to remind myself everyday what’s important for me to achieve that year. Always include a financial goal and a business goal for yourself in this list because at the end of the day a life without money gives you less choices in the world.
3. Review your results on a weekly basis. If what you are doing is not working then try something else. Most importantly – NEVER GIVE UP as long as you have breath in your body!
4. Celebrate your wins. You’ll find it much easier to enjoy life if you are grateful for the wins you do have. Spend more time being happy with what you have than what you don’t have and more happiness will come your way. This is how the law of attraction works.
I know that next year the focus for me will be to help at least 1000 people to achieve a full-time income working part-time or full-time from home. If that is something that you’d like to be a part of then stay tuned for further updates on how you can be part of my ‘Sack Your Boss’ revolution.
Be safe, happy and healthy over the holiday break and see you in 2013!